Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

The day started early with a sunrise service at Waianae Baptist.  It was announced that it would begin at 6 am, but they actually started at 6:45.  It's called "island time." :)  So... We only got to stay for about 15 minutes of the service, because we had to start prepping for breakfast at 7. There was a great young adult group here from Honolulu International Christian Church.
Between breakfast and lunch, they had a church service under the tent, and some of us went.  We enjoyed it a lot!

Family members arrived to join the group for lunch, so the number ballooned to over 100.  We had ham, steak & gravy, green beans, rice, salad, rolls and banana pudding.

They had an egg hunt for the kids.  I don't think they had any trouble finding them... ;~)

After we cleaned up, some of the other volunteers and Art and I piled into a van and went to the beach. I really wanted to ride some waves, but the water was way too rough.  Here are our friends Sue, Steve, Don, and Carol.

We missed being with our family, but it was a pretty nice Easter Sunday!

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