Monday, April 7, 2014

Our yard

One of my favorite flowers here is Plumeria.  There are so many different colors, and they smell wonderful!  On our property, we have large bushes of them, but I've seen small trees, too. The flowers are used a lot in Hawaii to make leis.

We also have these beauties...

There is a pretty prayer garden down by a canal. The garden has a stone path through it with a lot of unusual plants, including one that's a carnivore!  There's a bench, and it's a really nice and quiet place. We'll be working on it today to help keep it looking good.

Everywhere outside, and occasionally inside, there are geckos. They're shy and don't bother anyone, but if you're not expecting to see them, it's a little startling when you catch one staring at you!

I love this little gathering spot.  There's a fire pit in the center, and groups use it a lot when they come here.  Art gets to start the bonfire for the next group this weekend.  You know he likes that!


The Plantation Hale is where groups have their meals and sometimes meetings.  There are also guest rooms upstairs.  There are first and second story lanais on three sides of the house.  The top ones have views of the ocean and mountains. The house is over 100 years old, and it's the centerpiece of the conference center.  I love it!

Right outside our apartment door, we have a Mango Tree and a Skunk Tree.  The Skunk Tree has flowers in early spring that smell really horrible.  Fortunately, they were gone when we got here and we only have these cool heart-shaped seed pods. They have black seeds, and are red at first and then turn brown.  We are hoping the mangos will ripen after they fall, because they're way too high to pick.

Yardwork isn't bad when the weather is so nice.  Aloha!